Doesn't like clock on pin 3? Routing of Design: Failed

The following one bit ripple counter fails routing if Pin 3 is used for the @always(posedge clk) but works with other pins. It works with other pins do not have “G” clock buffers so that is not it. Why?

// Setting CLK to pin 3 causes “Routing of Design: Failed”
// This works if the pin is set to something like 6
// @MAP_IO CLK 3
// @MAP_IO RQ0 5

// @FPGA_TOP ripple_counter_da

module d_flop(
input D,
input CLK,
output reg Q

always@(posedge CLK) 
		Q <= D;


module ripple_counter_da(
input CLK,
output RQ0

d_flop ff0(.D(~RQ0), .CLK(CLK), .Q(RQ0));


I was able to duplicate the problem. Not sure why it is occurring yet. I will investigate, I can see the .pfc (pin configuration file) was created correctly from the MAP_IO directives.

I looked through the datasheet and no suggestions that the pin you selected can’t be an external clock.


Hi David,

I tried lattice’s tools directly and the same error occur. I haven’t run with the open source tools yet.
This is the full error.

E1216: Routing of net CLK_c Failed. Source : T_19_31_wire_io_cluster/io_0/gbout, Sink : T_21_1_wire_logic_cluster/lc_3/clk

Not too enlighting.
I have opened a case with lattice and will update if they give a response.

I did try some things and was able to generate a bit file with the clock at webFPGA pin3.
I manually instantiasted the CLK inputs. Here is the code:

// Setting CLK to pin 3 causes “Routing of Design: Failed”
// This works if the pin is set to something like 6
// @MAP_IO CLK 3
// @MAP_IO RQ0 5

// @FPGA_TOP ripple_counter_da

module d_flop(
input D,
input CLK,
output reg Q

always@(posedge CLK)
Q <= D;

module ripple_counter_da(
input CLK,
output RQ0

SB_IO #(
.PIN_TYPE(6’b000001), // input
clk_inst (

// assign clock_in = CLK;

d_flop ff0(.D(~RQ0), .CLK(clock_in), .Q(RQ0));


Can you try it on real h/w to see if it works, or not?
It isn’t a pretty solution for educational classes, but if someone runs into this type of problem with the s/w tools and they had laid out real h/w with that pin being the clock, then they should be able to proceed without redesigning the PCB. It seems to be a tool problem not a FPGA resource issue.
